
Rapid Molding

Rapid Molding and Tooling

What is rapid tooling? Rapid tooling is a specialty service for making certain kinds of plastic injection mold tools and finished parts in a fraction of the time it takes to make full-production volume tools. It relies on optimizing the design, fabrication, and materials to achieve maximum production efficiency and minimal downtime. 

How Does Rapid Tooling Work?

MouldAhead offers a unique rapid tooling system. A single master machinist is responsible for your tool from start to finish. Using standard mold bases and P20 tool steel, a machinist can produce a finished mold in as little as ten days from the approval of design drawings. These molds use standard plastic resins and fillers to make fully functional finished parts in relatively limited quantities. There are many advantages to rapid tooling. Finished parts can be used for prototypes, product testing and certification, and as bridge production towards higher volumes. Rapid tooling injection molding also helps our clients to limit their financial exposure to new designs.

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